Monday, 1 February 2021

Heart, Blood and Lungs

The topic is about the heart, blood and lungs. We learned so much in this topic. We learned about the way the heart functions and pumps the blood through the body. Let's go into this topic in more detail, the heart has two sides, the left side and the right side, but the whole heart contains four chamber, the atriums, located at the top of the heart on both sides. Then there are the left and right ventricles, located at the bottom of the heart on both sides. There are also small things called valves, located between the two chambers on both sides, they are there to prevent the blood from overflowing and going to the wrong chambers, when the blood flows through the left atrium, the valve opens and lets the blood through to the left ventricle, the valve closes, so that the blood doesn't overflow and go back into the left atrium, this is also the same as the right side. The left side is the stronger side, since the blood flows into the left atrium and down to the ventricle and back out the aorta to go to the lungs to be oxygenated and the goes back through the left side of the heart, through the atrium and down to the ventricle and back out the aorta to be pumped out through the body. Whereas the right side is the weaker side, the one with less muscle, thinner walls, because the right side only pumps blood back from the lungs, back to the right side of the heart. So the left side carries the oxygenated blood and the right side carries the De-oxygenated blood. The heart also has veins on the outside of the heart, called the coronary veins, they also keep the heart going, the heart needs blood as well. When the heart pumps the blood is able to shoot out about 10 metres. 
There is also different types of blood that runs through our veins and arteries. There are four types of components of blood, Plasma, Platelets, White blood cells, and Red blood cells. The Red bloods cells contain something called Haemoglobin, that's what makes the blood red, and Red blood cells also carries oxygen through the body. White blood cells are the main part of a human's immune system, when you get an infection of some sort or a disease, the White blood cells in your body increase, so that they are able to fight and over throw the infection/disease. Plasma is the blood component that carries all the nutrients and the good stuff like water, nutrients of course, hormones etc. Platelets are the agent in the blood that clots up the blood when you get a scab, the platelets make the crust, and prevent any more blood coming out of the wound.

This picture is of me (closest to the camera), Lilly (centre, you can barely see her) and my sister (furthest away from the camera). We were currently dissecting a sheep heart, and exploring what we had already learnt by using a real heart. As you can see in the photo, we had already cut the sheep heart open, and you can see the right side of the heart in the photo, the side with thinner lining. The way we cut the heart was down the heart, following a diagram on our Chromebook that showed us how to cut it.
By Kira

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