Thursday, 5 November 2020

Understanding Media in the 21st Century

Media is what the world uses to communicate. Media can be all kinds of things in the world, like Broadcast Media (Radio, TV), Print Media (Newspaper, magazines, pamphlets etc), Internet Media (Online services like Google, websites, Google drive etc), Social Media (Instagram, Snap chat, Twitter, Facebook). There is also Mass Media, any kind of technology that is used to communicate to a large number of people. Things like Snap chat and Instagram are Mass Social Media. So Media is basically anything that can spread information, or communicate with the people around the world. You can use Media in lots of different ways, it could be technology, like phones or any kinds of devices, you can watch TV, read magazines, newspaper, go on Social Media, listen to the Radio etc. There's so much Media around us, it's hard to miss really, most definitely when you drive through a city or just go for a drive, you will see billboards, and adverts on the sides of the road, saying things like "come and buy this brand new car, only 300,000 dollars today". The type of Media I use is mainly on my Chromebook, doing homework, either in my Google drive or just on the internet. Or I go on my phone to play games.

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