Tuesday 1 September 2020

Evie Trotter

 She is a small girl with hair as dark as Ebony, that falls down to below her shoulder blades. She has beautiful green eyes that look like emeralds, and has a moon shaped face, as well as sprinkled brown dots spread across her round cheeks like the stars in the Milky Way. She has big ears like a monkey and has a smile that looks like she’s done something naughty. She’s lank, likes wearing dungarees, and walks bare feet whenever she can, walking on sharp stones as if they were the clouds in the sky. 

She’s the kind of person that would walk around ringing people’s doorbells, and then running away. She is my best friend, if I ever fell over and only slightly hurt myself, she would laugh her head off at me (well that’s what would happen). She’s quite silly really, this one time we were in class and the teacher was telling us to do some silent reading (like that would ever be silent) and we were reading under the school tables, she was giggling with uncontrollable laughter, her eyes tearing up. But she can be very emotional, when we were both leaving our primary school last year, she was a mess, she was bawling her eyes out, and clinging on to us like a monkey. And she also acts like a puppy that just got released from a cage for the first time in their life, sometimes she’s so damn energetic and pumped, it’s not even funny. 

One of her most impressive qualities is her art skills, she can draw people, especially girls, she draws them with great detail, adds even the smallest things, earrings, shoes, and even eyes. One of her greatest beliefs is that we should save the planet Earth before it dies. She thinks if we don’t save the planet, all the living beings will die out and go extinct. In fact we organised a School Strike for Climate last year, which went great, we had a great time and we were very successful in alerting the town of our problem and needs. She thinks it’s very important that we do something before it’s too late to change. Something that’s really important to her is her favourite animal, the Otter. She carries many souvenirs of the Otter such as a book loaded with information on them, tons of stuffed toys, key rings, necklaces and heaps more. She values them and absolutely loves them. 

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