This Micro bit draws a square around the edge of the Micro bit.
Just press the button A to draw the square.
I am a student at Bay of Islands College in Kawakawa, New Zealand. This is a place where I share my learning.
This Micro bit draws a square around the edge of the Micro bit.
Just press the button A to draw the square.
The journey starts in Ghana and Ivory Coast where Hershey's get their cocoa beans from, Ghana and Ivory Coast are in Africa, which is where Child Labour is most active. To be more specific, Accra is the place where the Cocoa Marketing Company is located. Most companies get their cocoa beans from Africa, making it harder for the workers and children because of the work load dumped on their backs. From there the cocoa beans are shipped to the Port of Singapore, where they are sent to a manufacturing factory to be packed and shipped over to the Port of Melbourne in Australia. Then in Melbourne the cocoa beans also get sent to a manufacturing factory. From Melbourne the cocoa beans get shipped to the United States, Pennsylvania, where the Hershey's main factory is located. And there in the factory, the chocolate making process starts.
Hershey's international division exports to more than 60 countries and manufactures and/or markets confectionery products in Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Japan.